Pedagogeja taidealoille
Haaga-Helia Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu on kouluttanut taidealojen pedagogeja yhteistyössä Metropolia ammattikorkeakoulun ja Turun ammattikorkeakoulun kanssa jo 20 vuotta. Yhteistyö jatkuu edelleen aktiivisena ja yhdessä kehittäen. Pedagoginen osaaminen ja pätevyys vahvistaa taidealoilta valmistuvien työllistymismahdollisuuksia. Innostava yhteistyö näkyy konkreettisesti sekä opiskelijoiden että Haaga-Helian opettajien toiminnassa.
Teksti: Jutta Paukkonen
Visiting professor Chris Zirkle spends the current autumn at Haaga-Helia
Dr. Chris Zirkle is an associate professor in the College of Education and Human Ecology at the Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio and he is serving as a Fulbright scholar at Haaga-Helia School of Vocational Teacher Education this autumn. He is currently working with several individuals at Haaga-Helia on a variety of projects and activities. He is attending class sessions in the vocational teacher education program and has provided a lecture on vocational teacher education in the United States.
He plans to develop a podcast on vocational special needs with a Haaga-Helia colleague. He is also working on an article comparing vocational teacher education in Finland and his home state of Ohio. Also on his list of works-in-progress is a memorandum of understanding between Haaga-Helia and his university so collaboration can continue when he returns to the states.
– I have been an educator for 38 years. I have been able to visit many countries and make many friends and colleagues as a result of my career. I have visited many universities in China, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Switzerland and Taiwan. This Fulbright opportunity at Haaga-Helia is biggest and best of all my international activities and so this would be the crowning achievement of my professional career and I am very grateful for this opportunity to be here, says Chris.
Teksti: Christopher Zirkle

Jutut on julkaistu Pedagogissa 1/2021. Haaga-Helian Pedagogi käsittelee ammatilliseen koulutukseen, opettajankoulutukseen ja opetukseen liittyviä teemoja. Lehteä julkaisee Haaga-Helia Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu. Toimituskuntana on opettajakorkeakoulun kehittämisryhmä ja päätoimittajana johtaja Jari Laukia.