Ever since I was a child, I was always told that your brain is your real capital: your knowledge is one of the only things you cannot lose. Now that I work as an entrepreneur, I am responsible for my own development as a professional. Right in the beginning I made a decision to invest in educating myself and to keep studying with the help of books, podcasts, online courses and a mentor.
I believe that in order to succeed in work and business life you need to grow your awareness of your field and understand that learning doesn’t stop at graduating. The moment you close the door of your alma mater behind you, the world has already moved on. If you want to keep up, you need to accept that you’ll never be completely done with studying.
I approach all content I consume by contemplating how I could use in my work the information I’ve just gleaned. Here’s my secret: you don’t come up with new business ideas or innovations by reading business books – but something else altogether. Read and consume content that your competitors and colleagues don’t. Do things that others aren’t doing yet. Burst the bubble around you and boldly venture to places where others in your field haven’t been. You will already be much closer to the birth of ideas and innovations.
You can decide that once you’ve graduated, you will study in your free time the things that you’re really interested in. You should know that it’s you who can change the world, for there are no limits set for what you can do. So, study hard but most importantly: dream big!