Siirry sisältöön
Instructions for authors

eSignals is an open-access publication platform of Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, where we publish blog texts, podcasts and videos created by our personnel. In addition, we also share publications from our students, partners and other stakeholders.

Publication criteria

Most of eSignals articles are professional blog posts. These publications increase publication points in universities of applied sciences and they are annually reported to the Ministry of Education. Publications are accepted to the publication data if they meet the following criteria:

  • The publication has been accepted by Haaga-Helia’s editorial board.
  • The publication has not been previously published in a format which can be reported in the data collection system.
  • The publication’s author has a contract of employment with Haaga-Helia at the time of publication.
  • The publication is connected to the author’s work and is based on research or expert activities carried out by the author at Haaga-Helia.
  • The publication provides new information. It may be new information based on research or a new idea, approach, finding, inference or other.

These publication criteria are based on instructions by the Ministry of Education.

The publications are evaluated based on the following questions:

  1. Does the publication show work done at Haaga-Helia? (The Ministry requires that publications demonstrate results by work done in the organisation.)
  2. Does the publication demonstrate the author’s expertise?
  3. Does the publication produce new knowledge, new perspective?
  4. Does the publication contain sufficient amounts of the author’s own thinking or does it lean too much on references?
  5. Is the argumentation convincing?
  6. Is the main message clear?
  7. Is the theme and scope of the publication justified?
  8. Is the structure of the publication consistent?
  9. Does the content meet the expectations set by the title and ingress?
  10. Is the source material relevant and reliable?

Editorial process

  • The publication’s author submits a publication proposal to
  • Haaga-Helia’s editorial board evaluates the submission and sends feedback to the author approximately in one week’s time.
  • When the submission has been accepted, it will be edited for publication in cooperation with the authors and eSignals editors. The editing process takes approximately 1-2 weeks.
  • The text, video or podcast will be published in eSignals.
  • The publication’s author reports the publication to JUSTUS portal, where they will be transferred to the publication data collection of the Ministry of Education.

Instructions for blog posts

  • The recommended length for an article is 2 000-4 000 characters (including spaces).
  • In addition to a main title, it is recommended to use 1-3 subtitles.
  • Blog posts can be written in Finnish or English.
  • Blog posts should be written in standard language and professional jargon should be avoided.
  • Blog posts may include references. It is recommended to use references rather in a dialogical manner than only as a background information.

Instructions for podcasts and videos

  • Videos are published via Kaltura or Youtube.
  • Podcasts are uploaded to Soundcloud and Spotify.
  • The recommended length for a podcast is 10-25 minutes.
  • Podcasts should include a clear introduction, discussion part and ending.
  • Podcasts can be in Finnish or English.
  • It is recommended to use standard language and avoid professional jargon in podcasts.
  • Podcasts must be transcribed before publishing.
  • A short introduction must be written and it will be published alongside the podcast.


Give feedback, submit a publication or suggest a theme:

Submit a publication for evaluation: