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Successful aspiring entrepreneurs and uncertain times

Entrepreneurs are constantly adapting to new circumstances and technologies to stay competitive. Continuous change can positively and negatively affect entrepreneurs, depending on how they respond.


Teijo Javanainen

projektipäällikkö, yrittäjyys ja liiketoiminnan uudistaminen
Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulu

Published : 03.02.2023

Constant change can be an opportunity for starting entrepreneurs, as it creates new markets and possibilities to explore. However, constant change also means constant adjustment of strategies to remain competitive. Therefore, entrepreneurs must be prepared for uncertainty if they want their businesses to thrive in today’s environment.

Haaga-Helia StartUp School helps aspiring entrepreneurs adapt to the changing world and markets. Students can find guidance at the start of an entrepreneurial journey by accessing expert coaching. In addition, a 12-week pre-incubator program helps students to accelerate their basic understanding of forming a business model. It offers students help to access needed resources for successful entrepreneurship.

A customer centric approach to new venture creation

At StartUp School, future entrepreneurs develop a mindset focused on the customers’ expectations. This customer centric mindset is an approach to do business, in which the needs and wants of the customer are the primary focus when making decisions and providing services or products.

The approach prioritizes customer experience and satisfaction, intending to build long-term relationships and loyalty. Entrepreneurs with an internalised customer centric mindset understand and meet the needs of their customers.

Keeping up with the product-market fit

Product-market fit is achieved when a product or service effectively meets the needs and wants of a customer. It is the intersection between a product’s features and functionality and the target market’s needs and desires.

At StartUp School students learn, that achieving product-market fit is a crucial step in the success of a business. It indicates a viable market for the product or service being offered. In the changing business environment, it is essential to focus on the customer to adapt product-market-fit accordingly.

The Lean Startup method

StartUp School applies the Lean Startup methodology in its activities. Lean Startup is a method that helps entrepreneurs build successful products by focusing on problem solving and getting to the market quickly. This method allows testing ideas, getting feedback and quick iteration.

The Lean Startup process involves developing and testing an idea with customers to learn more about their needs. Since business development is a continuous process, business development must be iterative. Continuous development helps the business remain competitive and retain existing customers for the future.

Open minds and a readiness for adaptation

We keep repeating to our students, that is critical to be open-minded and willing to learn new skills and technologies early on. By embracing change, entrepreneurs ensure that their businesses are constantly growing and evolving. With a flexible mindset, it is possible to take calculated risks, to stay ahead of the game and to ensure long-term success for new ventures.

Additional reading

Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., Osterwalder, A., Smith, A. & Bernarda, G. 2014. Value proposition design: How to create products and services customers want. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.