What better way to start the autumn semester than by visiting an old partner in the Baltic Region? Haaga-Helia staff visited Riseba University of Applied Sciences, our partner in Riga, Latvia, in September 2023.
The goals of our visit were to strengthen our cooperation for student and staff exchanges within our already existing Erasmus+ agreement and to launch the International Double Degree agreement we signed early this year.
According to our colleagues from the International Office in Riseba, nowadays students are more careful and analytic when they choose an exchange opportunity abroad. After the pandemic, students seem to be much more strategic with their choices, and they review much more the course and study offer at the host institution before making up their minds. Students are also more concerned with graduating on time and the organization values are taken into consideration when they are choosing an internship.
During the visit, we all agreed we must be very mindful when designing our study catalog and offer up to date courses and topics that meet the needs of the market and the interests of future business graduates. Great interest is now shown in courses related to AI, sustainable business management, and corporate social responsibility.
Collaborating with leading European universities
Haaga Helia is actively collaborating on Double Degree programs with other leading European universities in countries such as Austria, France, Germany, Switzerland, the UK, and the Netherlands.
Riseba DD offers a new blended modality for Haaga-Helia students since a significant part of the courses in the curriculum are offered in distant learning mode. The unique distinction makes Riseba DD a great choice for students who are not able or willing to spend one academic year outside Finland and makes the DD choice a possibility for some of them.
Besides, Riseba offers courses related to Business Psychology, a specialization we don’t offer in our curriculum and from which students can benefit to broaden their skills and competences.
Double Degree in Business Management and Business Administration
The degree is available for bachelor Business students, and when graduating they obtain a diploma from each institution, one in Business Management, and one in Business Administration. As part of the degree, the student spends one academic year in the other institution and follows the curriculum and study life there as a regular student.
Students also study the local language and culture as part of the curriculum. This may have a positive impact on the student’s future career and business plans and strengthens intercultural understanding between the areas. Career and internship opportunities are also wider, as it involves and targets two different markets.
RISEBA University of Applied Sciences has obtained EFMD accreditation for their BA in European Business Studies. This accreditation endorses the quality and showcases the value of the Business program and entitles the university to host visiting professors coming from several universities to teach their degree. DD students and exchange students can benefit from attending these lectures taught by a wide range of experts from different universities.
Riga: a city of great potential
Based on a study carried out by a group of MBA students from Cambridge University, Riga has the potential to become the next Metacity in Europe (labsoflatvia.com). Some of the key factors identified for this conclusion are high-tech and ubiquitous connectivity infrastructure, strong innovators and partners, and strategic location. The Latvian government also supports this initiative and other innovation projects, which makes Riga an attractive market for new companies and startups.
In the same line, Riseba is working on a Creative Business Incubator, which provides students with support and training in the start-up and development of a new business, including mentoring and coaching sessions from experienced business developers.
This context is ideal for a ready-to-graduate business student, both for Haaga Helia and RISEBA students. Moreover, the local student vibe and city infrastructure are also welcoming and attractive. The city has a vibrant cultural scene and historical sites to explore.
The outcome of the Riseba and Haaga-Helia double degree is that students benefit from studying in two countries by choosing from a wider variety of course selections and specializations. As a result, their professional competences to contribute to a global market are stronger.
Teacher and staff exchanges
As a teacher or staff member of Haaga Helia or Riseba, you can also benefit from our international agreement and help make our ties stronger. Erasmus+ teacher and staff exchanges allow you to teach at a partner institution and network with colleagues in your own field of expertise. Get in touch with the Haaga-Helia’s International Services in case you are interested in learning more about such a possibility!