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About eSignals Research

eSignals Research is a scientific peer-reviewed online publication by Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences. The online publication focuses on publishing proceedings of scientific conferences from Haaga-Helia’s research areas, which are experiential service innovations, entrepreneurship and business development, transformative pedagogy, value through sales, and digitalisation. eSignals Research presents scientific research conducted by experts in a university of applied sciences and the possibilities of applied scientific research.

The authors are both Haaga-Helia’s own experts and people from external organisations. The texts are either in Finnish or English.

All eSignals Research publications undergo open peer review. This means that both authors and reviewers know each other’s identity and referees’ names will be published with the article. The reviews themselves are not public, only the authors and the editorial board will see them.

eSignals Research follows the guidelines of the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies. We also follow the principles of the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity (TENK).