In this podcast Professor Harris Andoh, a visiting scholar from Tshwane University of Technology and Sini Bask, a senior lecturer in Vocational Special needs teacher education at Haaga-Helia discuss the integration of students with special needs into the world of work.
When it comes to supporting the employment for people with challenges in their learning, there are significant differences between the practices in South Africa and Finland. For instance, in South Africa the employers have a quota for employing people of the diversity where as the Finnish legislation strongly supports equality and has some incentives to do so, but still fosters a somewhat exclusive working culture.
The two countries share the common goal, also stated in the UN Agenda 2030 for sustainable development, of decent work, productive employment and quality education for all. There are still many steps, small but accessible, to be taken on our way toward a truly inclusive world of work both in South Africa and in Finland.
This publication was produced within the GINTL-network. Haaga-Helia is a member institution in Global Innovation Network for Teaching and Learning (GINTL) Africa. GINTL facilitates international educational partnerships and channels collaboration between them and aims to find solutions to global educational challenges.

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Editing: Marianne Wegmüller
Picture: Shutterstock