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Code of conduct – co-creating working practices for the project

Working in an international project with different stakeholders usually provides many positive experiences. However, sometimes there may be challenges, and this is when a code of conduct comes in handy.


Riina Iloranta

Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulu

Published : 15.04.2024

A code of conduct helps in project management by establishing guidelines for ethical behavior and professionalism among team members. This can improve communication and enhance collaboration, resulting in a more productive work environment for all parties. A well-defined code of conduct can help prevent conflicts and misunderstandings and provide a framework for addressing any issues that may arise during a project. A code of conduct can contribute to the project’s overall success by fostering a positive and effective team dynamic. (Häberlein & Hövel 2023; Lunday 2018.)

The ENRICHER hubs project kicked off at the end of February 2024 as partners collaboratively created the project´s code of conduct.

Topics for co-creating the code of conduct

Our collaborative work for the code of conduct started with a workshop and the intention to co-create common guidelines and practices for the project work.

The first topic up for discussion aimed to create a base for a successful ENRICHER hub project. This topic was elaborated on with the help of the questions: What are our values? What kind of project do we want to be? The second topic was guidelines for behavior. This topic focused on how we work as a team and how to maintain high standards of professionalism and competence. The third topic focused on day-to-day practices: how do we guarantee the project’s success on a daily basis? This discussion related to the practicalities of effective communication, attendance, punctuality, excellence, and commitment to quality.

The fourth topic focused on project management from an administrative perspective. We discussed maintaining accurate records and protecting confidential information and intellectual property. We created guidelines also for financial integrity and management. The fifth topic was complex as it related to conflicts and possible challenges between the partners. This discussion aimed to enhance the feeling of trust, work quality and transparency between the project partners.

A common discussion between all partners enabled a shared interpretation of all topics and operation methods. It also allowed everyone to influence the shared vision. After the joint discussion, the topics were narrowed down into the project management handbook, giving general guidelines for working within the ENRICHER hubs project.

Collaborative code of conduct creation builds a strong foundation for a project

The co-created code of conduct showed that the project partners want to create an innovative, inspiring, and collaborative project while promoting the exchange of knowledge and ideas. The discussions highlight the commitment to being fair, transparent, sustainable, and aligned with the UNWTO code of ethics for tourism.

Our values emphasize the importance of a team atmosphere, which relies on openness, respect, support, cooperation, collaboration, tolerance, mutual understanding, and a consensus-oriented approach. The importance of communication was highlighted as crucial for the project’s success.

Co-creating the code of conduct in a workshop was the perfect way to bring together the knowledge and wishes of the partners. We created an understanding of the atmosphere of the project, and how we work together in the best way for the shared aims. In addition, the co-creation promoted cultural sensitivity, inclusion, and understanding among individuals with different cultural backgrounds. By establishing a code of conduct, trust among partners was built. This trust increases accountability, as team members adhere to ethical principles and feel committed.

As said, co-creating a code of conduct can improve project outcomes. Creating general guidelines together enhances the feeling of ownership and creates a more comprehensive approach for work. Collaborative creation fosters a sense of shared responsibility for upholding the code’s principles.

The Erasmus+ Capacity Building project ENRICHER hubs aims to improve the capacity of green tourism service development and experiential learning to match the industry needs of future employees better.


Häberlein, L. & Hövel, P. 2023. Importance and Necessity of Stakeholder Engagement. In González-Esteban, E., Feenstra, R. A., Cmarinha-Matos, L.M. (eds.). Ethics and Responsible Research and Innovation in Practice. pp. 38-53. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13875. Springer, Cham.

Lunday, J. 2018. Creating an Effective Code of Conduct (and Code Program). Corporate compliance insights. Accessed 12.4.2024.

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