Siirry sisältöön
Unleashing the potential of European Universities

With a 10-year mission to provide solutions, knowledge, innovation, and research for the European citizen of the future, Ulysseus is taking ambitious steps towards creating a better tomorrow. 


Mirjam Gamrasni

communication specialist
Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences

Kitte Marttinen

project director
Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences

Published : 08.02.2023

The European University Initiative, launched in 2019 aims to promote mobility, exchange and collaboration between students, researchers, and staff within Europe. This initiative encourages interdisciplinary and cross-border partnerships between universities, leading to new research opportunities, innovations and solutions to some of the biggest challenges facing society today. 

Two impactful years behind

In the first 2 years of the Ulysseus journey, we have successfully facilitated new forms of mobility for the entire Ulysseus community, encompassing students, researchers, teachers, and other higher education professionals. Ulysseus has established various mobility options, including physical, virtual, and blended programs on contemporary topics.

In addition to traditional semester and staff exchanges, Haaga-Helia has offered blended intensive programmes in entrepreneurship and design thinking for students and a mentoring programme for Ulysseus teachers. Moreover, programmes in EU project management, interculturalism, circular economy and innovative business models in creative industry have been offered.    

Moving towards education without frontiers

Ulysseus European University is making a bold move forward in shaping the future of Europe through its impact on higher education and research. Higher education is undergoing a transformation in Europe, characterized by trends of openness and innovation. European Universities are removing barriers to learning and improving access to quality education for all, providing equal opportunities for everyone to succeed. 

We promote the open-to-the-world model of university by offering free and open access courses on transversal skills for the citizens of Europe and beyond. The advancement of technology and new ways of learning are bringing about a paradigm shift in the development of European University alliances. Thus, leading to more flexible and innovative methods of learning and teaching.

In Ulysseus future Joint Degrees this means changes in curriculum design, learning time and space, organization, pedagogical methods and infrastructure.  We are already working on the three first joint degrees in the topics of our Innovation Hubs and we are expecting the first student cohort to start in 2024. 

The European Joint Degree Label has recently initiated its pilot phase, promoting cross-alliance collaboration for the first time. Ulysseus is excited to support this initiative with our European Joint Degrees, providing more opportunities for students and the wider community.

Enhancing quality and relevance of higher education 

In Ulysseus European University our mission is designed to enhance the quality and relevance of education in Europe by promoting excellence, innovation, and competitiveness by combining forces of our universities. In conclusion, the Ulysseus European University’s mission to shape the future of Europe is commendable and ambitious.

Currently we are on a path to creating a brighter future for Europe and its citizens. As higher education continues to evolve, Ulysseus will play an important role in shaping its future, making it more accessible and relevant for all. 
