We all remember the moment when the posters had to be taken down.
Gradually, the hairy and long-haired men, the smiling hockey players with their gleaming white teeth, and the impeccably dressed pop stars started to feel awkward. It was time for Bon Jovi, Ginger Spice, and Teemu Selänne to step aside, signaling the evolution of our minds.
Perhaps it’s a rite of passage into adulthood when our dreams become more modest. The allure and glamour associated with superstars seem distant. Life becomes grounded and realistic. However, even though idolizing individuals are typically seen as part of the growth process, it’s evident that adults also have role models and idols.
How else can we describe international phenomena like Barack and Michelle Obama, Martin Luther King Jr., or even Steve Jobs? They serve as inspiration for dreams we thought we had left behind. Inspirations for ideals, innovations, success, and courage.
In Finland, similar figures include Marshal Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim, writer Minna Canth, and the beloved multi-talented Tove Jansson. On a smaller scale, well-known business leaders such as Jorma Ollila from Nokia, Kirsti Paakkanen from Marimekko, Miki Kuusi from Wolt, and even Taru Tujunen from Ellun Kanat.
Companies are not isolated from society
Recent years have shown that companies are deeply interconnected with society. Taking a stance has increasingly become a crucial aspect of corporate storytelling. This can be achieved through brand shaping, marketing strategies, and direct statements. At its best, it offers a captivating and meaningful narrative that enhances the company’s position in the market.
Conversely, the absence of a clear stance can create the impression that nobody is taking responsibility, or worse, that nobody is willing to represent the company personally. Such an impression can signal underlying issues like general mistrust or a lack of faith in the organization and its services.
Prominent brands are expected to courageously engage in current societal discussions, ranging from economic downturns to gender equality and climate change. Silence, too, can be considered a statement, especially when dealing with sensitive matters related to customer promises or corporate values.
While a corporate image is not a prerequisite, it undoubtedly brings advantages. Its significance becomes more apparent when a company seeks to amplify its influence in public discourse, express its perspectives, or respond to a growing reputation crisis. A strong corporate image fosters trust and deepens the company’s narrative and identity.
Breaking the Mold
A company is not a monarchy led by a king or queen. Hence, the corporate image does not have to be that of the CEO, although it undeniably has its benefits. What matters most, in my opinion, is that the corporate image represents someone who is loyal, inspiring, likable, and relatable to the organization. This person can effectively balance the public discourse surrounding the company.
Moreover, the corporate image should be that of a respected expert in their field, like Mikko Hyppönen, the research director at F-Secure. Throughout his career, he has provided cybersecurity consultations to the Finnish government, Interpol, and the United States Secret Service.
This task should not be underestimated. The actions of a company’s corporate image directly impact the reputation of the entire organization and every employee. It entails substantial publicity and demands exceptional commitment. Therefore, it is worth thoughtful consideration before engaging in public discourse.
Furthermore, the company’s values must be firmly grounded and sustainable for the corporate image to wholeheartedly align with them. Not to mention, their merits should support their words. If these four aspects are well established, the path forward becomes clear. Who knows, perhaps you could become the corporate image of your company if nobody else has taken on the task.
More on topic
- Bounfantino, G. 2022. New Research Shows Consumers More Interested in Brands’ Values than Ever. Consumer Goods Technology 27.4.2022.
- Isaacson, W. 2011. Steve Jobs. Simon & Schuster. New York.
- Pouraghabagher, Z. 2018. Which CEO Type Are You? Forbes 22.2.2018. Forbes Media. Jersey City.
- Yle TV 1. 2004. Suuret suomalaiset. 05.12.2004. Yleisradio. Helsinki.