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Continuous learning
From the Great Resignation to the Reskilling Revolution

As the job market is changing and different technologies are developing, professionals need to improve their skills incessantly to be still relevant and employable. This worldwide process is called the Reskilling Revolution.


Annika Konttinen

lehtori, matkailuliiketoiminta
Senior Lecturer, tourism business
Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulu

Anu Seppänen

lehtori, markkinointi ja viestintä
Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulu

Published : 05.06.2023

It has dawned on most of us by now that getting a degree is not the end of our education: we all need to embrace lifelong learning and be ready for reskilling. The post-pandemic Great Resignation is transforming to the Reskilling Revolution.

The Reskilling Revolution is initiated by the World Economic Forum (WEF) to ensure a more inclusive and resilient future workforce. According to the WEF (2023) ”…half the global labour force might need reskilling by 2025. In schools, if current trends continue, many students will continue to lack the skills necessary to thrive in the future of work.” This is called the skills gap.

The solution to the skills gap might be the Reskilling Revolution. The Reskilling Revolution refers to the process of developing and acquiring new skills to adapt to changes in the job market and technological development.

The Reskilling Revolution aims to help workers acquire new skills that will enable them to find new job opportunities as well as remain relevant and employable. It is also about employers providing training and education to their employees to help them adapt to changes in their industry. Capita (2023) states that the Reskilling Revolution is fueled by encouraging people to lifelong learning and future thinking, enabling both individuals and organisations to stay valuable, well-prepared, and competitive in a rapidly evolving job market.

What are the most prominent skills for reskilling?

The skills related to the Revolution depend on the specific industry, job market, and technology trends. However, there are some skills that are generally seen as important for reskilling. Education 4.0 is a term used to describe the fourth industrial revolution’s (4IR) impact on the education sector. It seeks to leverage advanced technologies to create a more personalised, flexible, and accessible education system that can better prepare individuals for the challenges of the future.

According to Advani (2 January 2023), the three critical skills that should play a central role in each student’s personal curriculum are:

  • Problem solving and critical thinking. As automation takes over many routine tasks, employees who can think critically and creatively, i.e., analyse information, make decisions, and solve problems, will become more valuable.
  • Collaboration. The ability to work well with others, both in person and remotely, is becoming increasingly important as more companies embrace remote work and rely on teams to complete projects.
  • Adaptability. Reskilling requires a willingness to learn new things and adapt to change. Employees who can learn new skills, adapt to new technologies and job roles quickly are more likely to remain relevant and valuable in the job market.

The WEF (2021) provides information for businesses about the relevant skills that need more focus in the future. Other important skills for reskilling include, for example, digital literacy, communication, and emotional intelligence. Companies should do a skills assessment of their workforce to make sure its employees are future-proof.

How is reskilling done?

Reskilling may involve offering long training programmes or short courses, mentorship opportunities, or other forms of transformative professional development. These may be offered on-site, online, or through a combination of both.

Apprenticeships provide a structured way to learn new skills while gaining work experience. Working under the guidance of a skilled and experienced practitioner gives the student an opportunity to gain hands-on experience, gradually acquiring the necessary skills to become proficient in the chosen field.

Apprenticeships are common in industries like construction, tourism, and healthcare. They are used a lot in Central European countries, and their popularity might rise in Finland, too, in the future as the Reskilling Revolution progresses.

Mentorship is a relationship in which a more experienced mentor provides guidance and shares their wisdom, and expertise with a mentee, who is less experienced professionally or academically. The mentor acts as a role model to help the mentee develop skills, set goals, make informed decisions, and navigate challenges. Mentors can be found in many fields, such as business, academia, sports, and arts.

Employee versatility, flexibility, and overall organizational effectiveness can also be enhanced by cross-training. It means teaching employees new skills that are not directly related to their current, primary job roles. Cross-training allows employees to acquire a broader set of skills, promotes knowledge sharing and affects positively to job satisfaction as employees become more adaptable, ready to take on new responsibilities and even advance in their career.

Online learning platforms as well as online courses provided by universities and colleges offer a wide range of courses and certifications in various industries and topics. Universities of applied sciences, like Haaga-Helia, are active participators in the Reskilling Revolution with the many degrees and short course offerings for both individuals and businesses.

As employees, we are all participating in the Reskilling Revolution throughout our careers by embracing continuous learning on the job and between jobs. How will you reskill yourself next?