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Ulysseus: A new route for networking with Europe

Networking is about connecting with people, ideas and opportunities. The broader your network, the greater the impact you can achieve with your ideas. In Ulysseus the Innovation Hubs bring structure to the networking and collaboration.

Published : 27.05.2021

Ulysseus European University is one of the European University alliances selected by the European Commission to shape the future of Europe. This alliance combines four European regions and six diverse universities allowing students, researchers and graduates to move freely between universities, carry out internships in companies and start high-impact research projects.

Innovation Hubs bring structure to the collaboration

At the heart of each partner university, you can find the Innovation Hubs – the innovative joint structures for collaboration within the Ulysseus community.

The AI Innovation Hub located at Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences aims to exploit the emergence of AI innovations (machine learning, deep learning, robotics, expert systems, natural language processing and data analysis) in specific EU research projects. We want to encourage students to engage in company and start-up business cooperation, as well as explore models of collaboration within AI business ecosystems and industry.

The Ulysseus European University provides a great potential for networking within the activities proposed by the innovation Hubs:

  • EU research proposals (Erasmus+ and Horizon),
  • developing higher education initiatives (joint courses and joint Master and PhD degrees; open courses, MOOCs and online courses) and
  • boosting university-industry cooperation through the creation of Living labs, Incubators for spin-offs, and a research centre.

The future of networking in Higher Education Institutions

Networking is about connecting with people, ideas and opportunities. The broader your network, the greater the impact you can achieve with your ideas. Therefore, networking is not just about connecting with the right people, but also connecting with the right ideas, great opportunities and accessing to new areas of knowledge.

Digitalisation has made it possible to get access to different research initiatives, latest trends in many business sectors, and to understand how artificial intelligence is shifting the business environment, academia and universities.

An example of this is the Ulysseus Open Event, which brought together more than 1200 participants from 30 different countries in May 2021. The participants were researchers, lecturers, non-academic staff, students and representatives from private companies.

The event offered over 140 opportunities online and up to 57 bi-lateral meetings for project collaboration within funding initiatives such as Horizon Europe or Erasmus +. It served as an opportunity to connect diverse people within the Ulysseus Innovation Ecosystem and to help at co-creating the Ulysseus structure.

Come and join us in this journey to shape Europe’s future, networking with a wider audience and creating a greater impact with our Ulysseus Innovation Ecosystem.

Ulysseus European University and Innovation Hubs:

  • Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences (Finland) – Artificial Intelligence
  • Technical University of Košice (Slovakia) – Digitalisation
  • MCI | The Entrepreneurial School (Austria) – Food, biotechnology and circular economy
  • University of Genoa (Italy) – Tourism, arts and heritage
  • University of Cote D’Azur (France) – Ageing and wellbeing
  • University of Sevilla (Spain) – Energy, transport, mobility and Smart Cities
